
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Awakening & Revival 2016 Episode IV - What’s in Your Heavenly Bank Account?
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
What harvest are you sowing into?
We are about to gather in the harvest of the seed we have sown over the years. For years we have been making deposits into our heavenly bank account, and that has accumulated.
In this episode, we will discuss what God has to say to us about the season of reaping, and what to expect in the harvest in our lives. What will your harvest bring?
Knight Light Cafe on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi's Website
Red Alert America, Sound the Alarm! Kindle Version

Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Awakening & Revival 2016 Episode III - Women in Revival B
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Revival seems to be an elusive thing. We pray for it, hope for it… But how do we get it?
In a previous episode, we talked about getting into position for what God is getting ready to do. Is revival going to happen in America?
What would happen if God raised up a company of mighty men and women throughout America and other parts of the world with the anointing to carry real revival?
Sasha Parry is one of the most anointed worship leaders I have come across. Her heart is after God with a passion, and she has a fervent desire for others to experience the depths of relationship with the Lord that she has. Because of her throne room encounters, Sasha carries prophetic revelation for the body of Christ.
Sasha is the worship leader for Great Grace International in San Antonio, Texas.
Knight Light Cafe on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi's Website
Red Alert America, Sound the Alarm! Kindle Version

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Awakening & Revival 2016 Episode II - Women in Revival A
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Can Women Lead Us Into Revival?
Throughout the generations, women have not been taken seriously in many ministry circles. They have often been relegated to church functions that do not include preaching and evangelism, regardless of gifting and spiritual maturity.
But what happens when women with powerful giftings begin to step into their God-given authority and cast off the man-made restraints that have held them back? What happens when they simply obey God and move forward into their destiny?
Join me and my very dear guest, Sasha Parry, as we prophetically discuss revival through the eyes of women, and the role of women in the revival that is coming.
Knight Light Cafe on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi's Website
Red Alert America, Sound the Alarm! Kindle Version
Deborah's website: www.DeborahNazemi.com

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Awakening & Revival 2016 Episode I - Are You Awake?
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
A Great Awakening is Coming!
Many of us are expecting another Great Awakening and praying for revival, but what does that really mean? What is an awakening, and how do you know that you are one of those who is awake?
A great many Christians have been slumbering, and God has given us a long time to awaken. What will that look like?
Deborah Nazemi and her special guest, Traci Shellman, pastor, will discuss the slumbering bride and what God is saying about awakening in our current world situation.
Are You Awake? is Episode I of the new series, Awakening & Revival 2016.
To contact Deborah Nazemi
Deborah Nazemi on Facebook
Twitter: @DeborahNazemi

Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Beauty for Ashes Episode IV - Love Sets You Free
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Love heals the broken-hearted
There is so much emotional healing needed in the body of Christ. People carry baggage from childhood and beyond, never really being equipped to receive the healing and freedom that Jesus offers. It is God's people, especially the leaders in His kingdom that have the ability to bring either death or life to a person's soul, but it requires a shift in perspective for many.
In this final episode of Beauty for Ashes, we will speak to the broken about how to take hold of your own healing and freedom; and we will speak to Christians and kingdom leaders about how to be God's instrument of healing to those who are so broken that they cannot get free on their own.
Instead of the typical New Year's resolution, let's begin the new year with a new lease on life; a clean slate, ready to walk in freedom and carry God's freedom to others.
Knight Light Cafe on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi on Facebook
Deborah Nazemi's Website
Red Alert America, Sound the Alarm! Kindle Version

Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Beauty for Ashes Episode III - Your Pain is Your Gain
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Destiny preparation often takes us through pain
When you are in the midst of the trials of life and brokenness has overtaken you, you can't always see the big picture as God sees it. We are all failures compared to His perfection, and life brings us many opportunities for pain and suffering.
Every day we have a choice... what are we going to do with what we have been given? Will we allow Him to work in us to bring about the healing and change we need? Or... will we only look at our circumstances and never come to realize that we are being prepared for an unfathomable destiny.
Tune in with Deborah Nazemi and Dr. John A. Woods as we discuss John's painful journey. We will explore how God is using John's past now to impart great compassion for others, and to empower him to carry a powerful anointing for healing in his ministry.
Visit us on Facebook Knight Light Cafe'

Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
Beauty for Ashes Episode II - Real Talk with Deborah & John
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
Meet Deborah and John
Deborah Nazemi and Dr. John Woods discuss the goal of Knight Light, and how the show came to be birthed. They will share stories from their own journeys, and will discuss some of their personal life struggles, hardships, and victories that have prepared them for such a time as this.
Connect with Deborah Nazemi
Knight Light Facebook Page

Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Beauty for Ashes episode I - Crushed but Not in Despair
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Deborah's testimony
What happens when your life is so broken that you cannot find your way up and out of the depths of despair? Deborah discusses the process that she walked through in her own life that brought her to a place of wholeness in her soul after her life crashed around her.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Synergistic Kingdom Living
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
What is synergy and how does it impact God's people?
Unity is when people have a bond of love embedded in common purpose. Synergy is when unified people join together to accomplish that purpose, using their unique gifts, callings, and talents.
What would happen if God’s leaders would have a paradigm shift, and rather than thinking exclusively about their own ministry, would shift to a larger, kingdom perspective? A perspective that looks at the big picture; where all gifts and talents are needed and put into action to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all.
What would happen if we were to join together synergistically to accomplish this task?
Marty Perez, pastor of House of Manna in San Antonio, Texas. Marty, an anointed minister, has a vision to build and develop a kingdom of empowered people for God.
Original air date: November 10, 2015

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Our mission is to awaken, ignite, and unite God's people so we can become the army that carries His love and hope to the multitudes who don't know him.

Awakening is Imperative!
We are in a pivotal time in our nation. There is so much happening, it can be frightening and confusing.
Red Alert America is a wake up call, but not a doomsday book. It offers hope through prophetic insight that will help prepare us for the future.